What if I don't get the job? What if I can't find someone who will love me? What if I am broken? Oh, the "what ifs." They get inside your brain and start to eat at every decision you make. I remember when I was in school, I would do terribly on multiple choice tests, there are too many what ifs involved. I would much rather write an easy, recalling my thoughts on whatever we were discussing.

I have made many decisions based solely on the fear of what ifs. Now, I think maybe that's a little crazy, but maybe I was too. I think we are almost always afraid of what might happen if we choose one path over the other, even if we're not consciously aware.
"What if" can paralyze you and stop you from making a decision, in my experience. Now that I am little older, I have decided to embrace it and just jump in! I can always adjust, if needed.